Can Truss and Kwarteng be prosecuted for Misconduct in Public Office

4,896 people have signed this petition so far
Joshua Silver is asking The British People
  • The Petition
Can Truss and Kwarteng be prosecuted for Misconduct in Public Office

In the past few days , Ms Truss and Mr Kwarteng have taken actions which have been very widely criticised in the UK and abroad. In essence they seem to have proposed to cut tax for those on high and very high incomes , and use borrow money to pay for those tax cuts. World markets and others have now demonstrated that  they believe the policy proposed by Messrs Truss and Kwarteng will not and indeed cannot work. As a result , there has been a collapse in the value of Sterling, and of confidence in the government of the UK. A simple reading of the CPS definition of the serious crime of Misconduct in Public Office :

suggests that Messrs Truss and Kwarteng could have committed the serious crime of Misconduct in Public Office by taking actions which they were warned would  seriously damage the economy of the UK - which has in fact now happened. 

It is open to anyone to apply to the English Court to privately prosecute this potentially serious crime, so the initial  purpose of this campaign is to establish whether legal opinion is that Messrs Truss and Kwarteng can be prosecuted for Misconduct in Public Office , and this will be done by seeking an appropriate legal Opinion. If that Opinion tells us that the crime has potentially been committed, then the next step will be to organise an appropriate private prosecution. 

About The Organiser

This campaign is being run by Joshua Silver.
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