Featured Campaigns

Featured Crowdfunders

It’s quick, easy and free to start your own campaign.

Get a petition live and moving in less than 5 minutes. See who’s signing and sharing your campaign. We’ll give you templates and pointers to help you get going quickly.

quick, easy and free to start your own campaign
Grow your supporter base and mailing list

Grow your supporter base and mailing list with petition data you control.

Starting a petition is no use if you can't contact those who've signed and mobilise them into action. On average, 52% of those who sign your petition will also choose to subscribe to updates and further communications when you use ActionStorm. Export to CSV, Action Network and NationBuilder easily.

Add fundraising to your petition and collect donations from supporters.

Raise the funds you need to promote and fight your campaign easily. You can add a seamless, simple fundraising ask to your petition in minutes, thanks to our powerful integration with Crowdfunder, the UK's biggest crowdfunding platform, or link to your own website’s donation page.

Add fundraising to your petition

Create your petition

Getting started is simple. Create a compelling appeal for support. Describe what you're campaigning for and why.


Raise funds to fight

You can ask supporters to chip in after signing your petition. Put the funds to good use fighting your campaign.


Build real momentum

Share your campaign far and wide. Grow your supporter base through community influencers. Together we can move mountains.