Launch your petition in minutes. Add images and video to make it stand out.

Step-by-step instructions and on-screen tips to help you get started. Add rich media to make a deeper connection with your supporters.

When people sign your petition, they can subscribe to your mailing list.

Ask supporters if they want to opt-in to your updates and further marketing communications. Unlike other platforms, you'll have direct access to the data.

Add a fundraising ask automatically - just add your Crowdfunder URL.

Ask supporters if they will chip in after signing your petition. No platform fees for non-profits, but transaction fees apply. See fees for more information.

In proud partnership with logo

Track shares, measure performance and find out who's most influential.

Supporters will each get their own unique link to share, so they can see their own unique contribution to the campaign. You can see who your most influential supporters are and thank them.

Your supporters are willing to offer a lot more than just a signature. The data proves it.

Using ActionStorm, campaigners have found:

  • On average, 52% of people who sign your petition will opt in to your ongoing campaign updates and further marketing communications *
  • On average, 5-7% of those who sign are willing to donate on the spot to help you fund the campaign. *

That means if you start a petition on ActionStorm that gets 50,000 signatures:

  • On average, you would add up to 26,000 email address opt-ins to your ongoing mailing list *
  • On average, you would collect donations from 3,500 backers to help fund and fight your campaign *

* Based on average figures from other petitions on over the period of January - June 2021

Ready to get started on your campaign?


and other petition platforms that are free to use.

  • Unlike, ActionStorm gives you direct access to your petition data and supporter information for any project you run. That means you can follow up with supporters directly to explain the next stages of your campaign and how else they can get involved.
  • With us, you have the ability to fundraise directly for your cause, simply, quickly and automatically.
  • With us, you can see who's sharing your campaign and discover the supporters who are most influential in your community
  • With us, you can ask users to take part in other ways, or ask for their time, knowledge and experience.

vs. Nation Builder

and other white-labelled platforms.

  • Unlike Nation Builder, ActionStorm doesn't require professional setup, or the need to hire graphic designers or developers to get it up and running. It's quick, it's easy, and it's free. And there are certainly no long term contracts.
  • With us, you get a platform which has been specifically built to run petitions, instead of a bolt-on feature.
  • With us, you can fundraise directly without the complicated setup. Two clicks and you're done.
  • With us, you can ask users to take part in other ways, or ask for their time, knowledge and experience.

We can offer free coaching and support for big-impact campaigns.

Do you represent an established organisation with an existing audience and a project with broad interest? We can lend some expertise on constructing, promoting and funding the campaign.

Get in touch

There's a lot more that we can't show you here...

Enterprise, whitelabel and fully custom applications

For larger organisations, we're able to make customised solutions, tailored to your campaign. Premium service.

Import or export supporter data as a CSV file

Move your petition to us from other platforms, and/or integrate your supporter data into your CRM. Premium service.

Collaboration possible between multiple organisations

Organisations are able to promote the same campaign, while having different opt-ins. This opens up a world of collaboration.

Publish petition updates, which are emailed out automatically

Write and publish updates to your supporters. Updates are emailed to those who have opted-in automatically.

Full campaign stats dashboard compatible with UTM tracking links

We can provide detailed analytics breakdowns of traffic sources and user actions. Use UTM codes to track marketing.

Benchmark your petition against site-wide performance

Compare your conversion rates to other petitions on the site. Understand how effective your promotion is.

Pages optimised for conversion and mobile traffic

Our petition pages are fully optimized for mobile traffic, and have been tested thoroughly to maximise conversions.

Fully GDPR compliant

Separate, clear opt-in choices for users when they sign your petition. Clear privacy policies and key terms explained.

Guides and templates to amplify your results

Guides include setting up, promoting and delivering your petition, and fundraising to support your campaign.

Embeddable widget for your website

Choice of widgets available to help you promote your petition, with trackable stats. Ask us for more information.

Message and signature moderation

Ability to moderate content on your own petition, including removing comments and signatures.

Spam bot protection and more...

Spam protection, flexible campaigns, victories. There's a lot of stuff that we can't tell you about here. You'll just have to give us a try.

We'd love to talk to you about your project