End the misuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements to silence victims of abuse

1,232 people have signed this petition so far
Zelda Perkins is asking UK Government
  • The Petition

Support our campaign to ensure the UK Government ends the misuse of NDAs to buy victims silence

NDAs cover up abuse and even criminal acts 

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have become the default solution for organisations, corporations, individuals and public bodies to settle cases of sexual misconduct, racism, pregnancy discrimination and other human rights violations.  

These agreements made in legal settlement negotiations are being used to cover up abuse, and in some cases criminal acts.  

Zelda Perkins and Professor Julie Macfarlane founders of Can't Buy My Silence

Weinstein whistleblower Zelda Perkins and Law professor and NDA whistleblower Dr. Julie Macfarlane and have joined forces to stop the expanding misuse of NDA’s by demanding new legislation and regulation that stops “gag orders” from being used to settle these cases.  

NDAs gag victims to protect an employer's reputation

NDAs allow a person who has behaved abusively and possibly criminally to stay put or move with impunity to another workplace.  They gag victims permanently, preventing them reporting, speaking to family & friends about their own experiences, or warning others about the perpetrator.  NDAs benefit the employer’s reputation and the career of the perpetrator, not the victim who can be protected by a simple confidentiality clause  

NDAs are unnecessary for protecting victim identity, catastrophically damaging to innocent parties, and immoral. 

The UK Government must ban the mis-use of NDAs

The goal of our campaign is for the UK Government to introduce legislative and regulatory change urgently that will make NDAs unenforceable for anything other than their original purpose – the protection of confidential business information (“intellectual property”) and trade secrets.  Not the protection of bullies and harassers.

About Zelda Perkins

In 2017 Zelda broke her NDA to expose Harvey Weinstein's abuse
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