Stop the government turning away small boats of migrants

- The Petition

We have started this petition in opposition to the UK government's policy to turn away small boats of refugees and migrants arriving by sea and the training of Border Force staff to carry out their 'turnaround' policy.
Abuse of Human Rights
We believe that this is an abuse of human rights and it is essential that we challenge it collectively.
When people are risking their lives and those of their children to travel across seas in life threatening conditions, where the chances of success are known to be remote, we must consider the push factors which are causing them to make such a decision. Nobody embarks on such a perilous journey unless they believe what they are fleeing is worse than what they are to face. 75% of those crossing the Channel on small boats are children.
Breach of International Laws
Turning people away from British seas to face an almost certain death and the nullifying of International Maritime law to save those in need at sea Under the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea.
This policy also contravenes International law under the Geneva Convention on the right to seek asylum. Each State must also refrain from actions that would endanger asylum seekers.
This is a concern for the whole International community, as it would leave every single one of us unprotected and vulnerable.
Please support our campaign by signing our petition today.
We are a global community and whatever crises affects one country can impact on all of us and Sat negative precedents. We should not turn our back on any humanitarian crisis and we ask you to join us in opposing this inhumane policy and calling on the government to abide by International and human rights laws. Safeguarding human lives at sea must take priority over any other considerations of nationality and migration policies.
We call on the UK government to cease their plans to turn away boats and we call on the UN to intervene urgently on the breaches to International human rights .
Please sign this petition to support these actions and to voice your disapproval for the sentencing of human beings to death, through negligence and a lack of human compassion.
Black Activist Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) UK