Uphold the Rule of Law

2,096 people have signed this petition so far
Joshua Silver is asking Everyone in the UK
  • The Petition
Uphold the Rule of Law

On 12 January 2022 , UK Prime Minister told Parliament - and thereby the British People - that he had broken the law by attending a party in No 10 Downing Street with a large number of other people on 20 May 2020.

It is a principle of the Rule of Law that nobody is "above" the law , but on the face of it from his actions, Mr Johnson seems to believe that he is above the law.

This campaign aims to uphold the Rule of Law by ensuring that Mr Johnson is now brought to justice. The steps we plan will be to seek legal advice on the most appropriate steps to follow to ensure that Mr Johnson is treated in the same way as others who broke laws which were brought in to protect us, and then follow that advice. 

One possibility seems to be for all UK citizens who are so inclined to privately prosecute Mr Johnson for his law breaking , so we will seek advice on that way forward.

About The Organiser

This campaign is being run by Joshua Silver.
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